转发中国毒理学会2012年度毒理学国际学术会议公告 暨中国毒理学会拟组团通知
1. 美国毒理学会2012年SOT年会将于2012年3月11 -15日在美国加利福尼亚州旧金山举行。
2. 第六届亚洲毒理学大会(The 6thInternational Congress of Asian Society Toxicology)将于2012
3. 第八届发展中国家毒理学大会(The 8thCongress of Toxicology in Developing Countries, 8CTDC)
4. 2012年欧洲毒理学年会(EUROTOX-2012)将于2012年6月17-20日在瑞典斯德哥尔摩举行。
于2月10日前将信息返回(cstmeeting@chntox.org ; zhoupkpek@yahoo.com.cn)。
姓名 |
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单位与地址 |
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拟参加会议(√) |
第六届亚洲毒理学大会,2012年7月17-20日,日本仙台 | |||||||||
第八届发展中国家毒理学大会,2012年9月10-13日,泰国曼谷 | ||||||||||
2012年欧洲毒理学年会,2012年6月17-20日,瑞典斯德哥尔摩 | ||||||||||
电话 |
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请于2012年2月10日前通过Email将信息返回(cstmeeting@chntox.org ; zhoupkpek@yahoo.com.cn)
Travel Awards to Attend the
2012 8th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries (8CTDC) in Bangkok, Thailand
The Thai Society of Toxicology and IUTOX announce the availability of fellowship awards to attend the 8th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries. The meeting will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on September 10-13, 2012.
The awardees may be either junior or senior scientists from a country where
toxicology is underrepresented and have an active research program or currently
be active in the practice of toxicology. The following criteria will be used to
select award recipients:
• A brief statement indicating how the awardee will benefit from the fellowship;
• Curriculum vitae including e-mail address and, if available, a fax number;
• A strong letter of recommendation from the home Society. If the applicant
does not have a national toxicology society, a strong letter of recommendation
from his/her department may be substituted;
• Demonstration of the ability to meet other expenses to attend the meeting (the
travel awards available range from $1,000 to $2,000); and
• An already submitted abstract for 8CTDC for review.
Award submission begins 1st June 2012 and must be received no later than 30th June 2012. Previous award recipients of 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010, ICT and CTDC Fellowships are NOT eligible to apply. Awardees will be notified by 15th July 2012. Awards will be issued at the 8CTDC meeting.
Award information is available on the IUTOX Web site
2012 Application
First Name: M.I.: Last Name:
Company 1:
Company 2:
Address 1:
Address 2: _
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone: Fax:
Today’s date:
Is the candidate a Junior Scientist? Yes No
Is the candidate a Senior Scientist? Yes No
Ph.D. Year:
Is Toxicology underrepresented in the candidate’s Country?
Which Country?
Does the candidate have an active research program?
Is the candidate currently active in the practice of Toxicology?
Has the candidate submitted: (attach files to submission e-mail)
1. A brief statement indicating how the awardee will benefit from the fellowship? Yes No
2. Curriculum Vitae including an e-mail address and fax (if available)? Yes No
3. A strong letter of recommendation from the home society? Yes No
4. Statement certifying the ability to meet other expenses to attend the meeting? Yes No
5. An abstract for the meeting? Yes No
Office use only
Date received: _______________
HQ initials: _________________